Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Section in Scribd and the Natural Revolution

A new section in has been added to the Burning the Midnight profile.

Two articles have been uploaded to the Technology and Business collection for the new section.
  • Technology, Natural Capital and and the Natural Revolution Slides  
  • Innovation of Technology in Business Slides
Here is an embedded slide-show on Natural Capitalism and Revolution from the Burning the Midnight Scribd profile.

Watch the profile for recent publications from Burning the Midnight, and further insights and information on technology, business, economy, security and environmental topics.

Friday, July 30, 2010

VMware Server 2 - Part 4 - High Availability Services

High availability is a general requirement, rather than a extra feature, in today's server environments.

Especially as organisations and people have become more reliant on IT systems for everyday tasks.

A simple way to build redundancy into VMware Server 2 software is by using the Linux High Availability software on a Linux CentOS installation.
Clustered servers in racks

This example configuration works well for systems that are server-only devices, e.g. web servers, FTP servers or internet mail systems.

Desktop virtual machines are not recommended for this set-up, because information can be lost when the Linux HA starts new instances of all the virtual machines.

Two Things Required

For this project, there are two requirements for constructing a small cluster of VMware Servers.
  • Redundant Datastore
  • Redundant Server Hardware
In this example, the redundant datastore will be using FreeNAS, with Linux HA offering the redundant VMware Server services.

Linux High Availability

The Linux HA software maintains a set of building blocks for high availability cluster systems, including a cluster messaging layer, a huge number of resource agents for a variety of applications, and a plumbing library and error reporting toolkit.

For this example installation of Linux HA, the heartbeat will be using the IPfail service, which will be the main focus for the VMware Server redundancy.

The Pacemaker functionality will not be used for this example, but can be used in larger server farms for cluster management.

Setting up the Linux HA on CentOS

An IP network, using a crossover Ethernet cable on eth3, has been set up on both the CentOS VM servers, which is used to send heartbeat information to and from the Linux HA services.
Heart beat Ethernet cable
It is important that your host file contains the correct host names of the servers, as required by Linux HA.

I.e., for this example Server1 and Server2 need to be in the host file.

more /etc/hosts                  localhost server1

Below are the example configuration files for the Linux HA on each of the VM server.

(CentOS Server 1)
/etc/ha.d/ha.conf file
logfile /var/log/ha-log
watchdog /dev/watchdog
bcast eth3
keepalive 2
warntime   10
deadtime  30
initdead  60
auto_failback on
node Server1
node Server2
udpport  694
respawn root /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail

/etc/ha.d/haresources file
Server1 vmware::start

/etc/ha.d/authkeys file

auth 1
1 crc


(CentOS Server 2)
logfile /var/log/ha-log
watchdog /dev/watchdog
bcast eth3
keepalive 2
warntime   10
deadtime  30
initdead  60
auto_failback on
node Server1
node Server2
udpport  694
respawn root /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail

/etc/ha.d/haresources file
Server1 vmware::start

/etc/ha.d/authkeys file
auth 1
1 crc


The Network Attached Storage Setup

The network attached storage being used for the VMware is the open source FreeNAS distribution.

FreeNAS is a free network-attached storage server, supporting: CIFS (Samba), FTP, NFS, rsync, AFP protocols, iSCSI, S.M.A.R.T., local user authentication, and software RAID (0,1,5), with a web-based configuration interface.

FreeNAS Logo
In this example, the two VMware Servers are connected on a separate IP network on eth1. The gig-E switching network is then connected to the FreeNAS server where the vmdk files and datastores will reside.

VMware Server cluster

CIFS or NFS mounts will have to be setup on the NAS before installing any virtual machines, so that the VMware Servers can mount the FreeNAS server, giving a redundant storage of the VM's vmdk files.

Example of mounting the NAS from CentOS:

mkdir /vmware
mount -t cifs  //FreeNAS_IP_Address/vmware /vmware -o user=admin,pass=abcde

Make sure that the /etc/fstab file is updated with the mounting information, so that the NAS mounts will reconnect in the VM Servers on reboot. /vmware cifs defaults 0 0

Overall Setup of the System 

The overall setup uses two separate switched networks for reliability to the NAS and Internet - one network for the redundant NAS services to the VM Server for the VM's vmdk files, and the other network for data access to the Internet and other LAN services.

The two VM Servers are connected by a crossover Ethernet cable to run the heartbeat service.

The heartbeat service controls the VM Server redundancy.

This setup (or close variations) allows for a reliable setup for high availability VM Servers, without investing in an expensive SAN and only using the free VMware Server 2 software.

There is more to come in "VMware Server 2 - parts 5 and 6". 

I talk about monitoring the server, and changing system resources, among other things VM technical.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Solar Grid Inverter Monitoring System - Part 1

Solar based power has become an important part of modern strategy for some organisations as they move from carbon based fuel dependence to renewable energy.

One of my current projects is looking at a solar power applications for a school that is working towards establishing a carbon neutral power system.

Solar panel array for power

The solar panel array that is currently installed on the school's roof has enough panel area to produce up to 5 kilowatts of electrical power on a sunny day.

Fronius Grid Inverters

Grid inverters for solar power
Three Fronius Grid Inverters
Three Fronius IG 30 grid inverters can feed up to 7.5 kilowatts of power back into the grid, or to the school's AC electrical systems.

These high power inverters form the centre of the photovoltaic system, as AC power and access back to the power grid is essential at the school.

Grid inverters are essential for a power system to have mains AC power and photovoltaic power, enabling seamless use of both power sources as a single power source.

The goal of this project is to network the Fronius inverters into a PC system running MS Windows, so that information about the power grid and photovoltaic solar array can be collected for educational and organisational use.

Cabling the Grid Inverters for Computer Monitoring

Grid inverters for solar power
Inverter, fuse box and Cat5 plate

Grid inverters for solar power
Blue cables are the serial bus

The three Fronius grid inverters have been mounted on the wall in a way that makes it easy to network the units together.

The three inverter units all have special Com cards, so they can be networked together in a bus type network.

At each end of the Cat5 bus network, special terminator plugs are used to close circuit on the network.

Grid inverter network for monitoring
Grid Inverter Bus Network and PC Serial Connection

The last unit has a special data logger card that gives the Fronius grid inverters a data IO port for a computer via RS232.

The data logger card has a DB9 connector, which has been then converted to Cat5 for easy of use in the networking cabinet. 

Grid inverter network for monitoring
RJ45 connector in the rack to the Data Logger

The cable run from the DB9 connector on the inverter can be up to 20 metres in length.

But for longer lengths of cable, RS232 extenders maybe required.

For this example, the Cat5 serial cable is terminated into the network rack in another building.

The Windows PC is connected to the terminated rack connection, which connects back to the Fronius grid inverters with which the Windows PC will be communicating.

For part 2 of this project, I install and setup the Fronius IG access software on the Windows PC.

I will also be explaining the features and advantages that computerised power monitoring can have for an organisation.

Stay tuned.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Technology, Natural Capital and The Natural Revolution

Technology and business have always coexisted in history, with new industries and business concepts connecting with technology and offering beneficial outcomes and new markets.

Examples of this in today's business world include the development of the Internet Web 2.0, mass production and international airline carriers.

Today, another new market is emerging around the world, called natural capital. It is beginning to pervade the investing landscape with serious talk of climate change business opportunities and ecological responsibilities.

Natural Capital

What is Natural Capital?

In economics, capital and capital goods are factors of production used to create goods or services that are not themselves significantly consumed (though they may depreciate) in the production process.

Natural capital is the extension of the economic notion of capital to goods and services relating to the natural environment.

Natural capital is the stock of natural ecosystems that yields a flow of valuable goods or services into the future.

The main resources of the natural capital market in the 21st century are:
  • Energy (electricity, fuel)
  • Water (clean, grey, waste)
  • Waste (sewage, carbon, uranium)
  • Recycleable Non Durable Consumption (Paper, ink, light bulbs) 
  • Recycleable Durable Consumption (maintenance, repairs)
  • Recycleable Human Consumption (packing, food, products)

The combination of technology and natural capital provides the ground work for a new type of economic revolution that will surpass the industrial revolution.

Technology is the state of the art of the whole field of practical know-how and tool use.

It therefore encompasses all that can be said about arts, crafts, professions, applied sciences, and skills.

The natural revolution is coming because the world's industrial technologies are beginning to become unprofitable or inefficient, due to constaints on resources and markets that are caused by environmental and social issues.

Wind Turbines for Green Power

The next part looks at the key concepts in the natural revolution and definitions of the ideology.

It compares the ideas of the last 200 years of the industrial revolution to the demands of the evolving natural revolution of the 21st century.

Industrial Revolution - the revolution the world needed

The Industrial Revolution was a period in the 18th and 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport had a profound effect on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the world.

The onset of the Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human history; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way.

Main points of the Industrial Revolution:
  • Increased worker productivity output by 100 fold.
  • Created conditions for a consumerist society.
  • Natural resources were plentiful. (Natural capital)
  • Productivity was measured in part by how many boats you had for fishing; or how many chainsaws you owned for forestry.
  • Human resource capital became a less important part of profits. (e.g. the end of slavery)
  • Technology was a significant factor in the industrial revolution.

Industrial Revolution

Natural Revolution - the revolution the world needs now

The Natural Revolution refers to a hypothetical series of research, development, and technology transfer initiatives, to improve the industrialised or technology driven natural capital production of the world.

The initiatives involved in the development of the Natural Revolution include carbon reduction, waste recycling , and efficient farming practices, to name a few.

Main points of the Natural Revolution: 
  • Natural resource productivity will increase by a 100 fold.
  • A continuation of a consumerist ideas.
  • Natural resources not limitless. (Natural Capital)
  • Productivity is now measured by how many fish you have in the sea, not how many boats, and how many trees are in a forest, not how many chainsaws you have.
  • Natural capital use must become more efficient (e.g. oil, fresh water, and soil).
  • Technology will be a large influence in the natural revolution.

What does this mean for Individuals and Organisations?

For individuals and organisations to adjust to the changing environmental and public concerns, there will be legal requirements and operational efficiency improvements.

Natural Capitalism and technology innovation offers a logical way for people and organisation to reorganise and adapt to these new economic and social changes in our modern society.

A good example of an emerging Natural Capitalist economy and country is the Maldives, where President Mohamed Nasheed is championing climate change awareness, carbon trading and environmental harm minimisation. 

With regard to the threat posed to the very low-lying islands by changes in sea level caused by global warming, in March 2009, President Nasheed pledged to set an example by making the Maldives carbon-neutral within a decade by moving to wind and solar power.

He argued that the cost of the change would be no higher than what the Maldives already spends on energy.

As part of a wider campaign by international environmental NGO's campaign publicising the threats from climate change and its effects on the Maldives, Nasheed presided over the world’s first underwater cabinet meeting on 17 October 2009, off the island of Girifushi with his ministers meeting underwater in scuba diving gear.

The end result of applying innovative technology and natural capitalism to the world will be the start of the Natural Revolution. The Maldives and other smart countries are moving ahead of the environmental curve and applying natural capital ideas to develop their countries.

  • Saving on natural capital is good for your organisations' mid and long-term bottom lines.
  • The sooner your organisation starts thinking about natural capital, the less painful it will be in the future.
  • This will be eventually mandated by governments. (carbon trading, environmental laws etc.)
  • Natural capital will become increasing expensive in the future, due to scarcity, environmental impacts and increased population.
  • Technology will play a large influence in the natural revolution.

A green planet by natural capitalism

Individuals, business and organisations have to change the way they operate and by increasing their efficiency with the natural capitalism ideology.

Combining technology and natural capitalism is the best way to accomplish this for a green planet and to kick start the global natural revolution.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Technical References Collection now Avaliable on Scribd

Burning the Midnight has added a new section to its Scribd profile, called Technical References.

It contains many useful documents and wall sheets for wireless, electronics and network technologies.

Handy to have hanging in the laboratory or workshop for a quick reference:

Resistor colour codes

Publications include:
  • Motorola Canopy Reset Default Plug
  • Radio Transmitter Power dBm to Watt Conversion Table
  • IP Subnet Reference Sheet
  • JEDEC Coding System Table for Diodes and Transistors
  • Serial Console Cable Howto and Wiring Diagram
  • Ami Bios Beep Codes Reference
  • Optical Fibre Connector Reference Sheet
  • Electronic Formulas
  • Resistor Colour Value Howto and Code Sheet
  • Ceramic and Mylar Capacitor Value Howto and Code Sheet

Technical References

Check them out at in the Technical References section of the Burning the Midnight profile.

Also, the Technical Reviews section on Scribd has a lot of information on wireless, networking and security hardware systems.

Well worth a look.

VMware Server 2 - Part 3 - Mounting an ISO image on a Datastore

Mounting ISO images onto your virtual machine can be very handy for installation and management.

It removes the need for a physical CD/DVD drive to run the installation CD, upgrades and resource packages for the virtual machine.
VM Server Logo - Copyright VMware

Using ISOs for Installing Guest Operating Systems

A handy way to make it easier to install a guest operating system, is to use ISO images from the datastore as virtual CD/DVD drives.

In this example, the Slackware Linux 13.1 DVD ISO image will be downloaded to the ISO datastore and used for the guest installation.

cd /vmware/iso/   (Pre-mounted datastore directory)

Then the rest is done from the VM Server 2 web console.

To install from an ISO image instead of a physcial CD/DVD drive, there is only a slight difference between the standard guest installation covered in part-1 and installing from an ISO image. (For larger views of the pictures, just click the image.)

VMware Server ISO Config

VMware Server ISO Config

In the virtual machine installation wizard, the part the concerns the ISO images is the "CD/DVD Drive" options.

In this screen, selecting the option "Use an ISO Image" will allow the user to have a virtual drive instead.

On the next wizard screen, the browse selector allows the adding of the ISO image on the server datastore.

VMware Server ISO Config

Click  browse and the datastore selection window appears.

Browse to the ISO datastore and select the slackware-13.1-install-dvd.iso image to use as the virtual drive.

After hitting OK, the original CD/DVD properties screen appears with the correct path to the ISO image. 

Follow the rest of the wizard as if you were installing a standard virtual machine on the server.

Once the wizard is finished, starting the guest OS from the console will start the installation of the OS from the bootable Slackware Linux ISO image.

Install as per normal. 

Changing the Virtual CD/DVD Drive ISO Image

After installing a guest operating system, you may want to mount another ISO image for upgrades of operating systems or installing other applications.

VMware Server ISO Config

To change the ISO image, go to the console and stop the virtual machine.

Under the summary section of the virtual machine's console tabs, in the hardware panel, select the "Edit" option under the CD/DVD Drive subsection to bring up the CD/DVD drive options window.

In this window, the user can select the connection as a ISO image in the radio buttons.

Click browse to select the ISO image from the server datastore.

Once the image is selected, click OK and re-power the virtual machine to have access to the new CD/DVD image.

Now the user is ready to run the application install CD/DVD or operating system upgrade disc.

VMware Server ISO

Mounting ISO images as virtual CD/DVD drives is very handy, and means you don't have to maintain a store of discs.

But wait, there is more to come in "VWware Server 2 - parts 4 and 5" of the blog.

I talk about monitoring the server, changing system resources and clustering the VMware server, among other things VM technical.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Building an Industrial Robot - Part 1 - The Robot Brain and Body

Here's my project to make a universal platform for industrial robot experiments.

The requirements are to develop and construct an industrial grade tracked robot for under US$2000.

The robot has to be able to work in harsh environments, be net-workable and operate for long periods before recharging.

A series of blogs will follow the progress of the tracked robot project, and this part is focused on the base construction and layout of the robot's computer.

The Robot's Main Body

Before you mount a computer brains for a robot, you need a body to mount it, so I created a quick, cheap and strong assembly method.

Robot's main body
Side of the robot without the hatch

Robot's main body
Top of the robot without the hatch

The main body is made of poly carbonate panels with aluminium framing for lightness and strength.

The panels are glued to the aluminium frame with silicon, the same way you would build a fishtank.

This makes construction of a robot body easy, without too much drilling and reducing the number of bolts or rivets that might come lose during the robot's operation.

Also, construction makes the robot's main body water-proof, in case it has to operate in low level water.

The main body has been sprayed with a grey primer and matt black finishing paint to protect the polycarbonate body and increase water-proofing.

It also gives stealth or a black ops look to the robot.

Robot's main body
Side view with the hatch on

Robot's main body
Top view with the hatch on

With the top hatch and soft mounts on, the main body is sealed for protection of the robot's computer systems.

The GPS is mounted on the top, next to the 2.4 GHz omnidirectional antenna.

The pole mount at the other end of the main body is for the web cam.

In the centre, the main hatch opens to access the computer system for system reprogramming, battery maintenance and internal repairs.

The Robot's Computer
The main brain of the robot will be driven by a Mini-ITX system running Linux.

The Mini-ITX system will be using a SSD to boot  and run, which removes the requirement for a hard drive that might be damaged when the robot is in motion.

The idea behind the Mini-ITX is to reduce complexity from hardware into software tasks, and making the programming and design of the robot's brains much easier.

Mini-ITX Motherboard

The main part of the robot lies in the PIC Micro-controller connected to the Mini-ITX by a RS232  connection.

This controller has 20 inputs and outputs for driving motors and reading sensors.

The PIC Micro-controller allows the software on the Mini-ITX to interface with the robot's outside world.

The 802.11g Linksys bridge is set to connect to the local access point for remote access to the robot via IP, either for the information of a remote user or for the robot to download new information and instructions.

The network security is done by WAP encryption on the layer 2 as well as 256 AES VPNs from the Linux OS.

802.11 Wireless Bridge

The Webcam and GPS are plugged straight into the Mini-ITX via USB cables.

This supplies the robot's computer with GPS positioning and a digital eye for navigation.

Computer Layout Components:
  • Mini-ITX computer
  • 802.11g Ethernet Bridge
  • USB Webcam
  • 2.4 GHz Antenna
  • Pic Micro-controller Board
  • USB, RS232, Cat5 and Coax cabling
Computer system for the robot
The Robot Computer Layout

The above diagram show the logic layout of the connections and hardware used for the computer controller.

The Mini-ITX connections use Cat5 to the 802.11 bridge, RS232 to the PIC Micro-controller and USB to the web cam and the GPS.

The 802.11 bridge is also connected to an antenna with shielded coaxial cable.

The choice of operating system for this robot project is Gentoo Linux.

I have found this Linux distribution ideal for embedded and custom designed systems.

It is very easy to make live images and small OS footprints with Gentoo Linux.

I have tested Gentoo Linux on Mini-ITX systems before without any issues.
Gentoo Linux Logo - Copyright Gentoo Linux

More to come in the next parts of this project, as we examine the power system, track design, motor systems and software applications required.

Burning the Midnight now on Twitter and Google Friend Connect

If you think you can escape this blog by leaving the computer, exiting the room and locking the door - you are wrong.

This site now updates twitter to send you twits anywhere you go.

Follow Burning the Midnight on twitter at
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Maldives Future in Space

The Maldives could have a future in space with the right people leading the way. Giving the Maldives a profitable industry, bring technology to the atolls and educating people in a growing industry.

The Maldives location and climate are favorable for launch operations. The atolls are strong enough for launches and a sea-ward launch is very simple, as the Maldives is a good distance from any large land masses.

Land based atoll launch facility

Some Reasons Why the Maldives would be a good place for a Space Centre.

1) Launch Location:
The Maldives is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean straddling the equator - a perfect launch position. There are several advantages of a Maldives based, equatorial launch over most other countries land-based launch facilities:
  • The rotational speed of the Earth is greatest at the equator, providing a minor extra launch "boost".
  • The need for a "plane change" to the zero degree inclination of geostationary orbit is eliminated, providing a major extra launch "boost". The same rocket launched from Cape Canaveral at 28.5 degrees north latitude would lift 15%–20% less mass to geostationary orbit.
  •  Any orbital inclination could be reached, thus (for example) combining in one launch site the attainable inclinations of both Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg.

    2) Maldives Climate:

    The Maldives average rainfall is on par with other major launch sites with only 2,500 (100 in) of annual rainfall.

    India's launch site at Sriharikota Island annual rainfall averages about 2,500 mm (100 in) and NASA's  Florida site averages about 2,159mm (85 in) per year.
    Sea based atoll launch facility

    3) Security and Safety:
    Remote atoll groups, surrounded by large seas, allow for excellent launch site security and safety.

    • An ocean-ward launch reduces risks related to launching over populated areas, providing better safety to third parties.
    • Absence of range conflicts with other launch systems and a near total absence of ship or overhead air traffic that would constrain launch.
    • Maldives has friendly governmental relationships with India. USA, Russia, China and Europe. All the major space players.

    Space Station

    It would be nice to see a space centre and launch facility in the Maldives in the next 5-10 years.  I am sure the Indian and USA space programs would be interested in investing in the Maldives on space projects. With the right direction and focused work, maybe the next place for Maldivans is in the stars themselves. 

    Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    VMware Server 2 - Part 2 - Application Virtual Machines

    Application Virtual Machines

    For the people who want a virtual machine up and running without hassles, there are application virtual machines which can be installed within a few minutes.

    A variety of pre-packaged applications are available. In fact, far too many to mention here.

    A good resource for application VMs is the VMware appliance marketplace:

    WMware Application Virtual Machines

    Installing an Application VM

    For this example, I am using the SugarCRM application from Bitnami. It is a free download from their website:

    This test uses the OpenSUSE 11.1 version for the installation.

    cd /vmware/test  (or your own datastore)

    All ready and done, with the vmdk files in the pre-set-up datastore.

    Now to install the application VM into the VMware server.

    Setting up the VM 

    There is only a few things that are done differently when installing an application virtual machine. (Click the images for larger versions of the examples).

    VMware configuration screen

    VMware configuration screen

    As with creating a VM in part-1, you select the datastore you want to use and the VM's name.

    For this example, the test datastore will be used again for the VM files.

    On the next screen of the wizard, the correct OS for the application VM needs to be selected for the application to work.

    In this case, the selection is SUSE Linux. This will suit the SugarCRM application requirements.

    VMware configuration screen

    VMware configuration screen

    Moving on to the most important part in the wizard.

    This time, instead of creating a new disk, to run the application VM, the image can be selected by "Use an Existing Virtual Disk" option.

    VMware configuration screen

    VMware configuration screen

    This will give the ability to browse the datastores for the downloaded vmdk files.

    Browse to the correct datastore and select the SugarCRM vmdk file for SUSE Linux.

    Then after pressing the OK button, the drive configuration screen will appear again with the application VM in the browse field.

    For the rest of the installation of the application virtual machine, the configuration wizard follows the same path as installing VMs in part-1 of this blog.

    VMware configuration screen

    To start the application VM, go to the console tab and click on the play icon.

    Once started, click the console screen again to launch the application VM display to gain access to the virtual machine.

    VMware configuration screen

    Now there is a nice copy of SugarCRM running on the VMware Server.

    All ready for set-up and deployment by Internet to a client's office VPN or for a personal CRM software system for in-house work.

    And all installed in under 5 minutes.

    But wait, there is more to come in "VWware Server 2 - parts 3 and 4" of the blog.

    I talk about mounting ISO images and clustering the VMware server, among other things VM technical.

    Stay tuned...

    Australia's Information Security and Cyber-Warfare

    Somewhere in Australia stands a building with a group of federal government information security experts peering at flat screens and being fed reports from various sources. Watching for the next big thing to hit the Australian digital shores - from other governments, criminals, terrorists or crackers.

    The Australian Department of Defence also thinks about this topic often. Pondering how other governments or terrorist groups might attack or harm Australia's military IT infrastructure and other related assets.

    This has become a worrying reality for other countries and our own, as we have seen recently with the Chinese Google hacking issues, and Australian members of parliament having their websites hacked or defaced.

    Can we ever can be safe from cyber attacks or similar quasi military actions?
    The answer is yes and no at the same time.

    Just think about where we are today. Australia is already in a constant state of cyber war - with other governments, military organisations, corporations, individuals and criminals using the Internet constantly searching for information and knowledge they can use against our interests.

    Both in Australia and elsewhere, it's an intelligence orgy out there! Fraud, espionage and information collecting are important parts of these cyber-actions.

    The real potential of our cyber warfare organisations is not being utilised. There is a focus on protecting the military and government sectors, but we need to be proactive and ready to employ everything from EMP devices, secret back-doors in manufactured hardware, and unmanned drones with electronic jamming/eavesdropping equipment.

    In summary, we are fighting and surviving a cyberwar, while at the same time it is hard to estimate the potential damage if the cyberwar was to escalate. This is why the answer to the question of Australia's cyberwar preparedness seems to be "yes and no".

    Australia needs to increase its cyberwar preparedness, even if Australia seems to be coping with the problem at the moment. Any new technologies and cyberwar developments can rapidly change the IT security landscape here. This would leave Australia vulnerable very quickly, and without time for our cyber security teams to react in an effective manner.

    We are living in strange and uncertain times.

    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    Burning the Midnight on Facebook, Youtube and Scribd

    Burning the Midnight is now on Facebook and Scribd. Become a fan on Facebook and get updates to our blog and related sites. Or subscribe to our Scribd channel for updates from Burning the Midnight's publishing house.
    Facebook blog and updates for Burning the Midnight

    Burning the Midnight on Facebook - Burning the Midnight has gone social with Facebook. Join and become a fan of this site.

    Burning the Midnight on Scribd - Subscribe and get publishing updates.

    Technology slideshows and technical references have also been added to the Burning the Midnight Scribd profile. Including natural capitalism, electronic/electrical references and networking information.

    Burning the Midnight on Youtube - Subscribe to get video and media updates. 

    Get Burning the Midnight Videos from Youtube. There will be new videos going up every month of projects and tutorials. So stay tuned to this channel... 

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