Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Burning the Midnight on Facebook, Youtube and Scribd

Burning the Midnight is now on Facebook and Scribd. Become a fan on Facebook and get updates to our blog and related sites. Or subscribe to our Scribd channel for updates from Burning the Midnight's publishing house.
Facebook blog and updates for Burning the Midnight

Burning the Midnight on Facebook - Burning the Midnight has gone social with Facebook. Join and become a fan of this site.


Burning the Midnight on Scribd - Subscribe and get publishing updates.


Technology slideshows and technical references have also been added to the Burning the Midnight Scribd profile. Including natural capitalism, electronic/electrical references and networking information.

Burning the Midnight on Youtube - Subscribe to get video and media updates.


Get Burning the Midnight Videos from Youtube. There will be new videos going up every month of projects and tutorials. So stay tuned to this channel... 

You tube Media for Burning the Midnight

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